How you can help

Our Charity - Mongo Chairs for Paralyzed Vets

In 2018, adopted the charity, Mongo Chairs for Paralyzed Vets. We are working hard with the help of our members and donors to help our paralyzed vets. Our work is dedicated to funding and delivering custom wheel chairs that bring freedom, independence and mobility. Get in touch to learn how you can make a difference at our Charity.

Watch 1 minute video, at

you can support the charity

Millions of Americans are denied health benefits every day. Doctors prescribe a treatment , including wheel chairs. Medicare denies the request. Medicaid denies the request. The system is rigged. It's not about the patient. It's about the money they can make off the patient. It's wrong. Now you can do something. Order the DVD; "DENIED". Once we receive 2750 orders, the producer will donate a Mongo Chair to

Must enter Promo Code: NMCBN

Taking Pre-Orders NOW

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sponsor a tv Show

Weaponized Remote Electronic Combat Robots W.R.E.C.R. is the first weapons-hot contest show. Contestants design, build and battle with weaponized remote electronic combat robots for the world title, cash and prizes. Each week the stakes are higher as battles increase from one on one to a team of five on five in the grand finale.

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Shopping on AMAZON

COVID-19 has many of us at home in quarantine, and you may be shopping online. This is a great opportunity to increase National Marine Corps Business Network's AmazonSmile donations by reminding your supporters to shop at Be sure to choose National Marine Corps Business Network as the receiving organization.

Looking for Cause Marketing Partners

The NMCBN is looking to corporate leaders, like you, to form a cause marketing relationship. Cause marketing is a partnership between a non-profit and a for-profit for mutual profit. The for-profit gains positive exposure in the eye of the public while the non-profit raises the necessary funds for the cause. A great example of this is when a grocery store asks their customers if they care to donate $1 for their "cause" at the point-of-sale. Then they get a pin-up with their name on the wall. This system is brilliant because it doesn't burden the corporate partner to dig into their pockets to give money. Instead, their customers simply donate only $1 of their own money. This fund-raising method raises more revenue at a much faster rate.

Click Here to discuss how your company can set this up.

Stay in the Know

Rather than bombard you with emails, I am posting the word online. Keep watching for updates and news on our Social Media pages.


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Contact Us

2795 East Bidwell Street #100 #246

Folsom, CA 95630

t. 916.718.8410 | f. 916.983.5021